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- Revitalization and Disaster Recovery

- Highly scrutinized grants administration

- Strict conformance with HUD CDBG and FEMA guidelines

- Exemplary communications with public

Landair's expertise aids communities recovering from natural and man made disaster with a focus on the revitalization of community assets that foster economic and quality of life benefits: cultural resources, historic preservation, housing, resiliency, and adaptive reuse.


Service include a team of professionals engaged in HUD CDBG-DR funded Post Super Storm Sandy recovery and resiliency projects. This critical assignment involves grants management and liaison with individual owners of more than 700 single to multi family rental properties on Long Island and upstate New York. In addition the firm prepared and multi-phase master schedule for Living by the Bay, a multi faceted $125 million flood protection program, designed to protect Nassau Bay in Long Island from future storm related and climate change flooding.

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